Consider the amount of time you have spent and will spend removing hair from your face and body just to see it grow back. Stop this frustrating cycle with laser hair removal at Cosmetic Surgery Specialists in Langhorne, Bucks County, PA. The Registered Nurses working under the direction of Dr. Alan Brackup perform laser hair removal with the advanced Cynosure Palomar Icon system. Using laser energy to destroy hair follicles, laser hair removal can significantly decrease or eliminate hair growth in treated areas. The Palomar Icon hair removal technology delivers specific wave lengths, with large spot sizes, superior Contact Cooling™ and Smooth Pulse™ technology to provide more comfortable treatments with excellent results for most skin types and hair thickness. The Palomar’s Icon unit has been established as one of the most effective hair removal systems available, which is why Dr. Brackup chose the Icon for his patients.
Laser Hair Removal Reviews
Procedure Technique
During laser hair removal, it is common for multiple treatments to be done to ensure that the hair follicles are completely destroyed. At any given time, a certain number of hairs are in a resting phase, rather than a growth phase. Because the laser treatment is not effective on the hair follicles that are not actively growing, multiple sessions are needed. On average, it takes about 3 to 5 treatments to permanently disable new hair growth. These sessions are spaced between 3 or 4 weeks to make sure the area has already recovered from the previous session. During the procedure, the skin is stretched slightly so that the laser can precisely target the hair follicle roots. When this happens, the follicle absorbs the heat and ultimately falls off and stops regrowing.
What to Expect
The laser beam can sting, but cool temperatures can be applied between pulses to help with the patient’s discomfort. The application of cold blast also minimizes side effects high temperatures may cause. If desired patients may use the Zimmer Cooler which provides a cold blast of air to ease any discomfort. Sessions may last from 15 minutes up to an hour for larger areas, such as the back. Although patients can resume normal activity after treatment, the treated area will look and feel similar to a sunburn. Patients should avoid exercise for about 24 hours to allow the skin to calm, and sun exposure should be avoided during treatment.

Laser Hair Removal FAQs
Best Candidate?
Individuals with light skin and dark hair generally are the best candidates for laser hair removal. That being said, individuals with varying skin tones and hair color can also be considered for this treatment, but in order for the laser to “find” the hair and effectively treat it, it has be able to “see” it. Therefore, those with light skin and very light blonde or gray hair may not be the best candidates for this procedure.
Can I Only Have 1 Session?
The series of treatments is designed to ensure that all hair growth is permanently suppressed. There will be significant reduction, but not all hair follicles are destroyed in the initial session and some may continue to grow. The additional sessions ensure that the remaining growing hairs will also be terminated.
How Long Is Recovery?
There is no downtime following laser hair removal and patients can usually resume their normal routine. Sometimes there may be slight redness on the treated area that subsides after a few hours. Afterwards, the skin may look and feel like it’s sunburned. Cooling creams or ice packs may provide relief to the burned feeling. Sun exposure must be limited several weeks before and after treatment.
Is This Permanent?
Once the follicle is removed, the hair cannot regrow. However, with a single treatment, not all follicles are destroyed and those that survive normally will still grow hair. This is the reason why follow-up treatments are required to completely remove all growing hair the initial treatment missed.