Very few people know they need a brow lift. Why? One of the earliest and most common symptoms of a drooping brow is sagging eyelids. So, very naturally, most people think that the problem is with their eyes. As we age, gravity tugs at the underlying muscles of our eyes and forehead. Over the years, our muscles also lose elasticity, all of which result in a sagging brow and eyelids. Dr. Alan Brackup, a double board-certified oculofacial plastic surgeon, performs an endoscopic brow lift to correct a drooping brow and forehead instead of the traditional "coronal" brow lift. Some indications that you may benefit from a brow lift include a sagging forehead, brows that hang close to or over the eyelids, and deep, vertical furrows between the brows. With this procedure the forehead and eyebrows can be repositioned using small incisions in the hairline. The endoscopic approach at Cosmetic Surgery Specialists in Bucks County, PA has the advantage of minimizing scars, while eliminating hair loss and decreasing numbness in the central upper scalp, problems which are commonly associated with the traditional approach to the brow lift.
Brow Lift Reviews
Surgical Technique
The incision techniques used during a brow lift procedure depend on the severity of sagging, the skin condition, and the hairline location. A less invasive treatment is possible with an endoscopic brow lift. The endoscopic brow lift corrects a drooping brow and forehead and has largely replaced the traditional “coronal” brow lift. Most patients will have 3-5 small incisions behind the hairline after a browlift. Your hairline will remain untouched as there is no hair shaved for the procedure, and your brows will be raised to your youthful height. No more overdone foreheads!
During/After Surgery
A brow lift is performed under monitored sedation at our accredited surgical center. General anesthesia is not required. It takes about 1 hour to complete. You can go home after surgery. Some patients complain of a light, dull headache after the procedure. There will be some bruising and swelling that may be present on other areas of the face, such as the cheeks. We will also provide you with pain medication and a regimen of vitamins and supplements to take pre and post operatively to reduce the incidence of bruising and swelling. Sutures are removed after one week and you can wash your hair after 48 hours. You will be able to go back to your normal routine within a week or ten days. Strenuous activities must be avoided as it may affect healing. Within 3 months, patients see the optimized results with a rejuvenated outcome.

Natural Looks?
The ultimate aim for an endoscopic brow lift procedure is to give the face an appearance that is fresh and youthful. Through this technique Dr. Brackup is able to ensure that results are subtle enough, so our patients do not look surgically treated. An experienced facial surgeon will have a thorough understanding of the internal structure of the face and will create results that are natural and prevent a wide-eyed (“deer in headlights”) or hyper-alert look.
Is Botox® A Better Option?
BOTOX® is a nonsurgical cosmetic treatment that targets forehead wrinkles. While it does an exceptional job of smoothing out lines and wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes, it does not correct drooping of the skin folds around the eyes. Sometimes using BOTOX may drop the brows even lower. Many patients may also notice a decrease in forehead lines from the browlift because they are no longer using their forehead muscles to lift their brows.
Visible Scarring?
Because the incisions are made behind the hairline, the incisions are hidden and typically not visible after healing. We will be able to show you photos upon consultation.
Brow Lift FAQs
Facelift vs Brow Lift?
Dr. Brackup and his staff will discuss your concerns and will initially evaluate the problem areas on your face and recommend the best approach. A brow lift enhancement is confined to improve the upper area of the face, while a facelift improves the appearance in the lower area of the face including the cheeks, jawline, and neck. Depending on your goals and the severity of the sagging, a facelift may be a better approach, or both procedures may be performed at the same time for optimal results.